Express & Star

Ladder for the Black Country: Summer school offers careers help

Ladder member Performance Through People is holding a summer school for young people leaving school or college this term.


The free programme starts on July 29 and has been set up by the Walsall training company for those who have taken their exams and are unsure of their career options or have no plans for September.

It will be an opportunity to explore the range of careers that are available to them.

The summer school is being funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Careers and Enterprise Company and will also offer valuable training in accountancy, early years care, business administration and engineering.

The aim is to offer a chance to explore different fields, gain practical skills and boost confidence for future educational or employment opportunities.

The sessions start on July 29 with accountancy, early years care, and business administration, followed by engineering starting on August 6.

Places are limited and to book a place or find out more contact 03332 408302 or email