Oi Frog! & Friends is an excellent trip out for parents and children
So dear readers, take your seat upon some weeders and we will get into the rhyming chaos of Oi Frog! & Friends at Birmingham Hippodrome…

Those of you familiar with the fantastic series of books by Kes Gray (who I assume sits on hay) and Jim Field (who probably sits on a shield) will know I haven’t lost my mind, but am in fact trying to do my best impression of representing the essence of Oi Frog!
So please bear with this reviewer as I am sitting on a skewer.
Those of us in the theatre before the scheduled start time were treated to some audience participation as the actors walked among the crowd, taking names and coming up with ‘rhyming seats’ - though I’m not sure how appreciative Gary Barlow will be when he learns he is now a seat for Arlo.
Though the set appears simple to begin with, it quickly becomes clear just how many tricks the cast (who were fortunately not forced to sit up a mast) were able to extract from it, helped by superb lighting and sound.
The costume designers (deservedly sat somewhat more comfortably on recliners) had also done a fabulous job with all the animals, particularly the dog.
As always with these children’s books turned into TV spectacles or theatre productions, it amazes me how the writers (sat on firefighters) find a story to stretch these out over an hour without ever feeling tortured, repetitive or suffering from a lull.
This was helped along by the excellent performers (sat on legwarmers), who regularly swapped parts - doing a different voice with each of them and remembering who they needed to be!
Oi Frog’s issue is he does not want to be sat on a log because it is all bobbly and gives him splinters, though the rhyming rules of Sittingbottom School - enforced by the cat (sat on a mat) - insists that he must.
From there a hilarious power struggle ensues between the frog and the cat that had myself and my wife giggling and our three children (no rhyme here as they barely sat down, they enjoyed it so much) roaring with laughter.
So, whether you are familiar with the book or not, don’t be left sat on the fence (they have splinters too), consider this an excellent time out for parents and children.
Now, readers, I think it is time this reviewer stood up!
Oi Frog! & Friends continues at Birmingham Hippodrome until Sunday, May 29. Tickets (for normal theatre chairs, no matter your name or species) are still available.