Meet The Mummy Trainer putting parents and children through their paces
If you go down into the woods today you might be in for a surprise as parents and babies limber up for fitness sessions under the guidance of a personal trainer from Bearwood.

Mother-of-two Mel Bridger, aged 44, runs Cardio Central and The Mummy Trainer from Oldbury Academy, but because of lockdown restrictions has been turning to providing online fitness sessions.
Now she has decided to hold outdoor Buggy Beat sessions for parents and children up to five-years-old, in Warley Woods.
Despite the recent colder temperatures bookings have been steady and she only has limited spaces available for the sessions which will run from 10am to 11am every Monday for four weeks from April 19.
Mel said: "From March 29 organised outdoor sport for adults and children has been permitted to take place with any number of participants where it is formally organised and follows Covid-secure guidance.
"I have been delivering personal training sessions and fitness classes online since the first lockdown in March last year and serving the local community as well as people from across the UK with a variety of classes including strength and conditioning, step and kettlebells.
"Many people have turned to online fitness sessions for their physical and mental well-being during Covid.
"It has been a privilege to be able to provide this service and support others during these unprecedented times.
"Fitness has such a positive impact on mental well-being as well as the usual physical benefits.
"I am definitely looking forward to welcoming people to the outdoor Buggy Beat sessions and only have a few spaces left.
"So far the interest from parents has been huge.
"I will be doing cardio and resistance training but also there is the social side involved for the many people who have been missing meeting up with friends.
"I am allowed to have 15 people plus children, up to five-years-old, for the sessions.
People need to book a place in advance to take part in the sessions which cost £20 for four sessions.
"They also have to complete a form as well as comply with safe social distancing policies."
Further information on the Buggy Beat sessions is available through the website.