Express & Star

Home at least! Former terror suspect Paramjeet Singh Saini back with family

Home sweet home. After two months in a foreign jail, Paramjeet Singh Saini has finally been reunited with his loved ones at their house in Smethwick.


And it is clear that his children especially are delighted to have their father back.

The father-of-four was arrested before Christmas by Interpol while on holiday in the Algarve after Indian authorities accused him of terrorism.

But he won his legal battle on Friday when the Portuguese government threw out the case against him.

Now he is over the moon to be home, particularly as it is half-term and he can spend some quality time with his kids.

Good to be back. Paramjeet with his family
Campaigners called the decision a victory for justice and human rights

He also had a surprise welcome when he walked through the door.

Mr Saini, 42, said: "I'm just trying to get back to normal family life now.

"But I'm a little bit tired as the kids are off for half-term.

"They'd decorated the hall for me when I got home and had a cake saying 'welcome home' - it was really nice.

"It was a nice thing to do from the children.

"I'm very happy to be back in the UK."

Mr Saini was granted asylum in the UK in 2000.

He was arrested after Indian authorities alleged he was involved in the killing of prominent Sikh politician Rulda Singh in the Punjab in 2009.

However British terror police had already investigated and found no evidence of his involvement.

Campaigners called the decision a victory for justice and human rights.

Support for Mr Saini's plight has built up over the last few weeks with hundreds of people descending on the Portuguese Embassy in London last week.

His children had also appeared in an emotional video to plea for their father's safe return.

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