Express & Star

Travellers leave Walsall Wood site after a week

A group of travellers who set up an illegal camp next to a leisure centre development in Walsall Wood have left the site.


All of the 14 caravans and vehicles that pitched close to the Oak Park site for a week departed after council enforcement officers issued the group with a notice requesting them to leave the land off Coppice Road.

Aldridge North and Walsall Wood ward representative Councillor Gary Clarke said the group had now departed.

Councillor Clarke said: "They left early in the morning but we have no idea where they have gone.

"Residents in Walsall Wood are breathing a sigh of relief."

Walsall Council said arrangements have also been made to clear any debris left behind by the campers.

Travellers recently set up a camp at Aldridge Airport, in Bosty Lane.

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