Express & Star

Cabin plan at primary school in Walsall for special needs children

A cabin could be installed at a Walsall primary school to help it cater for an increasing number of children with special needs.

Last updated
Lower Farm Primary School in Bakewell Close, Walsall. Photo: Google

Lower Farm Primary has put forward a proposal to Walsall Council planners to introduce a hut on the school playground in Bakewell Close which will act as a base to provide specialist support for pupils.

The school said there are a number of youngsters with “complex” special needs on the roll with more due to start in September.

The base will be close to the Early Years classrooms and enable them to be included in activities with other pupils at certain times of the day.

Headteacher Sarah Milner said: “The need for this provision on site is in response to the higher numbers of children in school with more complex special needs.

“The school currently has four children due to start Reception class in September 2021 who have Education Health Care Plans. These plans mean that the children have 1:1 support in school.

“The needs of these children would often be better met in a special school. However, Walsall has a severe shortage of special school places for younger children.

“There are also older children in school with significant learning difficulties who will benefit from this resource.

“The cabin will provide a base which can be furnished with bespoke resources to meet the needs of these pupils alongside the adult support.

“The site where the cabin will be installed was previously occupied by a larger structure.

“The cabin will require less space and aesthetically matches the design of the school building. The size of the cabin is well suited to the small group intervention.

“The windows will allow natural light and a good amount of ventilation, making it a positive learning environment.

“The position of the cabin on the playground is the easiest place to access for any pupils with physical disabilities to enter and exit school. There is vehicular access if required. The cabin is also next to the fire assembly point and in a position that is easily accessible to all staff.

“I am confident that this structure will positively enhance the development and learning of many pupils in our school.”