Express & Star

Hard-hit club owners unlikely to demand proof of jabs

Nightclubs in Wolverhampton say they won't be asking customers for vaccine passports once coronavirus restrictions end this month.

Michael Ansell runs Planet Nightclub

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged venues to make people provide an NHS Covid Pass, which shows proof of vaccination.

But Planet Nightclub and Gorgeous in the city will not be requiring clubbers to do so.

Shaun Keasey, owner of Gorgeous nightclub

Explaining the decision, Gorgeous owner Shaun Keasey said: "No we won't be doing that, asking for proof of a negative test or proof of a double Covid-19 jab.

"The reason for that is not everyone has had the chance to have the jab."

Michael Ansell, who runs Planet Nightclub, said: "You can't take the freedom from the person.

"It is a bit of a wrong that is could be possibly forced. There is a lot of questions about it really.

"I don't feel in the position where I should enforce that because it is against the personal freewill.

"Why should the 18 to 25-year-olds be victimised really because if they want the vaccine, then okay, but it is not their fault they have to wait four to eight weeks between vaccines.

"If they don't want the vaccine, is it fair to discriminate and say 'because you haven't had it, you can't come'?

"I think we are taking people's freewill away a little bit. I'm double vaccinated, I have underlying health conditions.

"I have had mine because that is the way I feel about it. If you are not comfortable in doing something, why should you been pressurised.

"In my eyes, it is a little bit wrong."