Express & Star

Robbery victim is hit with hammer in Walsall

A man was struck over the head with a weapon believed to be a hammer in broad daylight during a 'nasty' attack in a busy street in Walsall.


Robbers ambushed two men in their car and stole an undisclosed sum of cash after they visited NatWest bank in Aldridge town centre just after 4pm.

Detectives have launched an investigation into the attack and believe the men, aged 30 and 32, may have been followed from the bank.

They were ambushed by robbers as they parked near to the post office in Northgate.

One of the men was hit over the head with what was believed to be a hammer before the thieves stole cash.

It is believed the man who was hit sustained superficial injuries and was taken to hospital for further treatment. The robbers escaped in a light blue Mondeo.

Aldridge Central and South councillor John Rochelle has spoken of his shock after hearing the news. He said: "This is such an unexpected and horrific attack. I have lived here all my life and I have never experienced anything like this before.

"It would have been very busy at this time of day with people visiting the local businesses and children coming out of school so somebody must have seen something." Police have been carrying out house-to-house inquiries as part of their investigations into the robbery on Wednesday.

Det Sgt Paul Reeves, from Walsall's Acquisitive Crime team, said: "This was a particularly nasty attack that happened on a busy street close to the post office and we are appealing for witnesses to come forward. One of the victims was assaulted and fortunately his injuries are not serious but this could have so easily been a different story. We believe the robbers made off in an X-reg light blue Mondeo and are appealing for any one who has seen this vehicle to call us."

Witnesses should call police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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