Express & Star

Stafford business park used as lorry drivers' toilet

Lorry drivers are using a flagship business park as a toilet - leaving bottles of urine in the road and pooping in bushes.


Officers from Stafford's Street Scene team have to go out to Prime Point Business Park off the A34 around three times a week to clean up the mess, which includes discarded bottles of human waste.

Each week it costs around £150 to clean up the mess left behind, which is adding up to around £7,800 a year.

Councillor Ray Sutherland, who represents the area on Stafford Borough Council, said: "The drivers park up at night and they have got no toilet facilities.

"Quite frankly they make a mess. We have to get the Street Scene team to go out and clean it up.

"We do that several times a week which is not very good really.

"I have been out on many occasions after complaints about people defecating in the bushes. You have to see it yourself to appreciate the scale of the problem.

"It is not nice for people to go there and see the rubbish that is left around after some nights.

"It isn't right they should do that."

Prime Point accommodates some of Stafford's major firms including Arnold Clark and Screwfix but Councillor Sutherland warned the issues could get worse as new businesses come to the area.

He raised the matter again this week as the council approved plans for engineering giant Alstom to move a large part of its operations to Redhill Business Park nearby. He said the drivers should use the designated truck stop less than three miles away at Doxey Road.

He added: "We are trying to resolve the problem and are having discussions with local companies.

"I just feel any new company in the area, if they don't do something at the start it might escalate.

"We want the businesses there but we have had problems at Prime Point and we don't want them to escalate to Redhill.

"The ideal solution is that they go and use the lorry park by Sainsbury's which the borough council provide for them.

"I am just very keen for the lorry drivers to have some sort facilities so they don't have to make the mess that they do.

"I am not saying we have got to put up showers for them but toilet facilities are a basic requirement.

"Lorry drivers are parking there for days and days and days, you have only got to imagine what is happening."

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