I Thought I Had It Nailed
It's been four whole weeks since Mrs VFAD returned to work after maternity leave. We had a blast; the four of us all together having fun, visiting places, running to no fixed schedule.

It was great but all good things must come to an end and if I'm honest, I was quite glad of a getting some routine back into our days. I have found that I have to adopt a routine to make sure that things get done.
The only solution I have found to this chaos so far is a slow cooker. We have had one for some time but I haven't really got to grips with it. But now my relationship with it has changed and I turn to it for solace most days. Sadly, I played it risky and an incident with cold water led to a crack of epic proportions so a new Crockpot has been welcomed into the VFAD kitchen and it has settled well. I like to think that we are on a road to discovery together.
I'm looking for more solutions so if you have any suggestions that can ease the pain, I'd welcome them. In the meantime, I'm off to unload the washer for the third time today and see what I can hand on coat hangers to dry to avoid the ironing pile getting any taller.