Your Letters: November 30
The Budget vs the NHS financial requirement. Both are of significant importance to an ailing economy. Firstly the NHS, while treasured by voters, 40 per cent of the NHS has been sold off to private companies, privatised profit making companies and Streeting will continue this policy, it has not made the NHS any more efficient but still is urgent need of reform, so it does not matter how much money the NHS gets from the taxpayer, it will always need more money, sad to say.
The recent Reeve's Budget of £40 billion more taxes from the most tax raising government ever, which will raise billions and will not improve the growth Reeve's needs, only if we are lucky. This will increase GDP growth of 1.5 per cent after four years! This is the most incompetent Budget ever, by an incompetent chancellor (a chancer, expecting industry to provide the wealth to public sector to fund growth that is at best an illusion). However, she won't be there when the policy fails and we will have another HS2 on our hands, like most past government schemes, late, over budget and not value. The moral if there is one is 'get a grant and spend it!'
I remind readers, every project ever made were over budget, late in execution and require more money to complete because of poor original estimates, and poor management.
But, in the meantime all the MPs and ministers involved have been rewarded financially, for all their help and work and paid for advice in order to get those projects completed?