Peter Rhodes on old fillings, apple crumble and a sudden fad for land grabs
The epic tale of my pre-Xmas lost dental filling ended this week with the dentist hoiking out the broken bits of the old filling and inserting a new one for £73.

It occurred to me that the defunct filling was probably older than the dentist. I forget how much it cost back in the day but I suspect it was paid in florins.
The second quarter of the 21st century looks like an age of land grabs. Putin thinks Alaska still belongs to Russia while Trump has his eyes on Panama and Greenland, and has suggested Canada would be happier as the 51st state of the USA. Meanwhile, Denmark is stressing its ownership of Greenland and China insists Taiwan is its property. This might be the time for Trump to do something that would end the war in Ukraine, cheer up the Russian people no end and make the world a safer place. Buy Russia.