Peter Rhodes on loneliness, a sense of balance and the jolly sound of Twenty Twenty-five
'Tis the season to be guilty. A new year beckons and we promise to give up booze, throw away the fags, eat our greens and, according to one curious yuletide health tip, consume our leftover roast potatoes cold, not hot.

And then, of course, there's the New Year do-this-exercise-or-die advice in every newspaper, including the enduring one about your lifespan being somehow connected to your sense of balance. Thus, if you can stand on one foot for 20 seconds or more, you're more likely to see out the next decade than if you can't.
What's missing from this is any statistical evidence of how many people, while attempting to balance on one foot, fall over and die. Anyway, if it makes you feel better, just ensure your affairs are in order and wobble away.