Peter Rhodes on wine, wildlife and Our Mandelson in Washington
You may recall that a few days before Christmas, having lost a tooth filling, I wrote: “I'm waiting to see if my dentist can fit me in before Xmas.” The answer is that, yes, he can – but only if you celebrate Xmas on January 8.

A timely report suggests that drinking a bottle of wine per week could be better for the heart than statins. And if one bottle is good for you, two bottles must be even better, right? Sadly, it doesn't work like that. There's always a snag, isn't there?
What do people actually do at university? In the case of two unis in Manchester and South Africa, teams have been researching the shortcomings of giraffes. They have concluded that giraffes are unable to walk up slopes of more than 20 degrees because of their “top-heavy weight distribution.” Descending steep hills can also result in giraffes losing their footing.