Peter Rhodes on dentistry, grammar and things that go 'clink!' at Christmas
I suggested a fine old English verb really ought to be used more. The word is “eschew” and a reader writes: “Bless you.”

Energy secretary Ed Miliband says green energy will get Britain “off the rollercoaster of fossil fuel markets, controlled by petrostates and dictators". Don't be coy, Ed. Who are these dictators? Name names. Are any of them, for example, very excited about the 2034 World Cup?
Have you noticed how many Christmas sounds are sort of clinky? There's the jingle of tiny bells, the gentle clatter of reindeer hooves, the heart-warming clunk of ice in your first festive ginger wine. And there's the one that greeted me a couple of days ago as I was brushing my teeth, the sudden sound of a filling dropping out of my jaw and into the sink. It went “clink!” A sink clink.