Express & Star

New nursery to open in Walsall

A pre-school nursery aimed at helping young parents studying at university is to open up in a Walsall house.


Little Crickets Nursery has been given the go-ahead to build a two storey side extension to a house on Gorway Gardens and convert it into the facility to care for two to three-year-olds.

Under the proposal, approved by Walsall Council planners, the building will remain part residential while the nursery will operate between 7.45am and 5.45pm.

A total of four new jobs will be created once the new nursery is up and running.

Little Crickets already has an existing facility and representatives said the new one would offer care to children whose parents are at the nearby University of Wolverhampton Walsall campus.

They also said there was extensive parking in the area while the pick up and drop off times were during less busy periods on the roads.

Agents En Plan Planning and Architecture said: “Ultimately, the specified programme of works will benefit the community by increasing care facilities in the locality and augment the existing Little Crickets nursery by offering nursery facilities for very young pre-schoolers.

“In terms of parking and traffic flow the nursery will arrange a time slot with each parent to ensure children are dropped and picked up at different times to other families to ensure less cars on the road at the same time.

“This is how Little Crickets Nursery (which the applicants run) operates at present.

“The Nursery also provides an invaluable resource for young mums who are studying nursing and teaching at the Walsall campus university have had to look for nursery providers in Walsall or Birmingham to look after their children and then travel to the University.

“The proposed Nursery will provide childcare for these mums and dads who are returning to higher education.

“The new nursery will also open opportunities for apprenticeships for students studying in childcare from Walsall College and Wolverhampton University.”

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