Residents' meeting with broadband bosses postponed as company promises planning action on hold
A meeting of residents from an area of Kingswinford estate with internet bosses who are looking to install a new broadband system in the area has been postponed.

Bosses at brsk who use fibre optic networks across the West Midlands have put back the meeting – due to be held at Dudley Kingswinford Rugby Club tonight – to Thursday February 1.
At a meeting held at Kingswinford Community Centre in Decemberesidents from the Briarscroft Estate said they were not happy at being targeted with letters through their door and leaflets on lamposts saying telecom poles were to be erected
Around 50 residents of Wharfedale Close, and Lynwood Avenue signed a petition saying the poles would be intrusive to them and were not needed as they already had broadband providers.
The company agreed to address all residents before the meeting planned for tomorrow but resident Barry Slack has questioned why circles have been drawn on the pavement outside his home and also outside properties in nearby Carnforth Close.
He said: "There has been action since the two December meetings we had with brsk despite being told by their regional build manager for the Midlands that any action would be put on hold until the next one which was meant to be this week.
A spokesman for brsk said: "There is a government mandate to make full fibre accessible across the UK by 2030, as an independent provider, brsk is proud to be investing in under served communities including the West Midlands, to make the fastest and most reliable broadband available ahead of the national deadline
"Our build partners were over eager and surveyed the area too soon in error. We have now ensured no further work is being carried out in the area, in line with the promise that we would work with and speak with residents first, which is very much still our intention
"The delaying of the datefor the meeting is to allow for all key participants to be in attendance.
"We have promised to communicate with residents regarding this roll out and we are doing everything we can to be as inclusive as possible, in addition to working collaboratively with local councillors. We welcome everyone to come and speak to us on February 1."