Small pieces of Wolverhampton brewing history up for grabs in charity auction
Three historic beer pumps from reportedly the last pub in Wolverhampton to serve Bank's Mild are being auctioned off for charity.

The Bank's Mild, Old Empire IPA and Sunbeam clips from the Royal Oak, Chapel Ash are up for auction at website 32 auctions.

The pub was said to be the last one to serve Bank's Mild on Saturday January 25th as brewers Marstons discontinued producing it before Christmas.

So far the Bank's Mild clip has proved to be the most popular in the auction, attracting a bid of £175, with the Sunbeam and Old Empire clips staying steady at £25.

The auction was posted on the Midland Freewheelers Blood Bikes Facebook page where it says the Bank's Mild has served over 100,000 pints since it has been on the bar at the Royal Oak.
The Midland Freewheelers is a voluntary organisation which keeps the regions hospitals and other organisations including the Midlands Air Ambulance supplied with blood and other medical supplies.
So far the auction has raised £225 for the charity and bidding for the three pumps is open until 5pm on February 8.