Barely used bus lane in Willenhall is being revoked
A barely used bus lane in Willenhall is being revoked from Monday.

The bus gate and lane outside homes in Somerford Place serves the busy 529 route which runs between Walsall and Wolverhampton.
The Walsall Council notice stated: "The order will include but is not limited to Somerford Place B4464, Willenhall amendments to existing on-street parking and loading restrictions and revocation of existing part-time bus lane."Amending all existing single yellow line parking restrictions from no waiting and loading Monday to Friday 8am-9.30am and 4pm-6.30pm, to no waiting Monday to Friday 8am-6.30pm, no loading Monday to Fri 8am-9.30am and 4pm -6.30pm. "Removal or addition of bus stop clearway restrictions. Revocations Walsall Metropolitan Borough (Bus Lanes, Bus Gate and Bus Only Streets) Order 2021 Schedule 1 – Somerford Place, Willenhall with flow bus lane."The order can be viewed by appointment at The Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall during normal office hours.