Poor pooch Peppa rescued from trampoline accident
This poorly dog Pepper had to be rushed to the vets after a trampoline spring got stuck in one of her legs.

Pepper's leg became entangled in the trampoline coil while she was out playing in the garden.
Crews from Oldbury fire station had to cut the coil but leave it attached to the leg of two-year-old Pepper.
She was immediately taken to the vets on Thursday night, who managed to safely remove the metal and Pepper is now recuperating back at home in Farm Road, Langley.
Owner Emma Venables, aged 33, said her two daughters, Sophie, aged nine and Charlie-Jayne, 15, were left distraught after they had been playing on the trampoline and Pepper somehow managed to become stuck.
She said: "The kids were in bits, they love the dog to pieces and were so upset when they saw Pepper in pain.
"I can't thank the fire service enough. She's having antibiotics and we'll be taking her on some slow walks and let her recover slowly."
Watch commander Desmond Lloyd said it was the first time he had received such a call in 29 years of service.
He said: "When we arrived the family were terribly upset, but we did our best to ease their distress and cut the cord off the trampoline, using the same technique we would if we were treating a person."