Express & Star

Travellers ordered to leave Wednesfield land by council

Travellers who have moved onto open space in Wednesfield are being ordered to leave by the council.


Around 25 caravans and cars arrived at the land off Kitchen Lane in Ashmore Park on Monday night.

The council's legal department is preparing to serve notice for them to leave. Bollards at the entrance to the site were damaged when the travellers took over the land.

Wolverhampton council spokesman Tim Clark said: "It is public land so we are going through the process of moving them on."

Wednesfield North councillor Phil Bateman said the travellers would be removed from the site 'as soon as practicable'.

Resident Will Wilson said: "Neighbours are concerned and have every right to feel apprehensive.

"The biggest problem isn't when they're camped, it's when they leave. The rubbish, litter and general mess on the green space is beyond overwhelming to clean up."

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