Express & Star

Walsall Council tax rise: How much will it cost you?

Taxpayers in Walsall are facing a rise of nearly four per cent in rates this year - but how much will you be paying?


The 3.99 per cent increase was approved by Walsall Council cabinet this week and, if passed by the full council, will affect residents from the 2016/17 financial year.

It will force ratepayers to fork out up to £126 more in tax each year.

Leader Mike Bird also revealed after this week's cabinet meeting that the authority is looking at an even bigger rise of up to 10 per cent for 2017/18. Any such increase would need to be voted on in a referendum.

To see how the 3.99 per cent increase will affect you, view the spreadsheet below.

  • Tax is split between the council and the local police and fire authorities and the spreadsheet reflects this.

  • To view the total tax increase, click on the total tab and look at your tax band.

  • You can navigate between the council, fire and police and total tax rates using the tabs at the bottom of the spreadesheet.

  • Scroll left and right to see the full charts using the bar at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

  • For an explanation of tax bands, see below the spreadsheet.

Costs are broken down into daily, weekly and annual totals and depend on both your council tax band and the number of residents living in the property.

Council tax bands are related to the value of the property:

Band A: Up to £40,000

Band B: Over £40,000 to £52,000

Band C: Over £52,000 to £68,000

Band D: Over £68,000 to £88,000

Band E: Over £88,000 to £120,000

Band F: Over £120,000 to £160,000

Band G: Over £160,000 to £320,000

Band H: Over £320,000

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